Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Blue Summer beat.

Oh  I  was trying hard to find  me forever,
The  thought  that u’d never come back to me.
I could never run and I could never stay,
and I could never know what life is meant to me.

I wish the nights were endless  with u in my arms,
And  your eyes were shining with the twinkling stars,
And  when u  touched me, kissed me  &  caressed me  gently ,
I  was feeling high and I was feeling love.

I was  rambling on the  stormy seaside cliff,
From where I could see ships drifting to the sinking sun..
My scattered thoughts were turning deeper blue,
But the waves were whispering an utopian tune.

The night was cold and I was all alone,
Wrapped in blanket of the natures love.
Arranging stars above to form constellations,
I saw u r blinking eyes in the midnight sky.

Now  its been a while since  am  in the city of angels,
Where  I met  miss  laure  at the  opera house.
She  had charming looks and I loved her smile ..
Now am spending summer  in her fantasy world..

I was such a  fool to be lost in u r memories,
And the painful days when u moved away.
But my mind is  healed  more than ever now
And  we are on the way to the city of dreams....

1 comment:

  1. nice song.....love your writing :)
    PS-miss laure??whoz dat?:P;)
